Conference Presentations
Lim, S.W.X., & Chan, A.H.D. (2024). Effects of cross-linguistic instruction on L2 Chinese reading development in early English-Chinese bilinguals. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Toh, X.R., Lau, F., Toh, W., Wong, F.C.K., & Chan, A.H.D. (2024). Relationship between implicit learning and Chinese reading is mediated by orthographic awareness. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Chan, A.H.D., Lau, F., Toh, X.R., Toh, W., & Wong, F.C.K. (2024). Cross-language relationships between reading and language component skills in young English-Chinese bilinguals. International Symposium on Language Sciences: Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao, Hong Kong.
Lim, S.W.X., & Chan, A.H.D. (2024). Cross-Linguistic Instruction to Support L2 Chinese Literacy Development in Early English-Chinese Bilinguals. 8th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, 29 Feb - 1 Mar 2024, Jeju, South Korea
Lau, F., Toh, W.,Toh, X.R., Wong, F.C.K., Chan, A.H.D. (2024). Attentional bias to Pinyin vs. Characters is moderated by orthographic awareness in Chinese, 8th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, 29 Feb - 1 Mar 2024, Jeju, South Korea
Lau, F., Toh, X.R., Toh, W., Chan, A.H.D., Wong, F.C.K. (2023). Cross-language relationships between reading proficiency and language component skills in young English-Chinese bilinguals: A cross-sectional study. 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia.
Lau, F., Toh, W., Wong, F.C.K., Chan, A.H.D. (2023). Effects of Pinyin on Chinese Character Learning is Modulated by Radical Awareness, 7th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, 23 - 24 Feb 2023, Hong Kong.
Novitskiy, N., Zhang, C., Liu, F., Wong, P.C.M., & Chan, A.H.D. (2021). Neural responses to explicit processing and implicit representation of lexical tones in Mandarin speakers with Amusia. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, 5 – 8 Oct 2021, Davis, United States of America.
Lau, F., Toh, W., Chan, A.H.D. (2021). Reading starts at home: Early home literacy practices predict bilingual children’s reading development in Mother Tongue. 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism, 10 - 14 Jul 2021, Warsaw, Poland.
Chan, A.H.D. (2021). Language learning and cognition in bilinguals and multilinguals. Cognitive and Behavioral Science Research Sharing Seminar, 30 Apr 2021, Singapore.
Chan, A.H.D. (2020). Language, Learning, and Cognition. The third NTU-MIND Symposium, 3 Dec 2020, Singapore.
Ong, J.H., & Chan, A.H.D. (2019). Statistical learning among young and older adults: Similar yet different? 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 5 – 9 Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Lee, P.Q., Lau, F., Sou, K.L., Chan, A.H.D., & Xu, H. (2018). Speech Context is Necessary for a Pitch Contour to Convey Affective Information. The Consortium of European Research on Emotion, April 2018, United Kingdom.
Lau, F., Wong, F.C.K., Luke, K.K., & Chan, A.H.D. (2018). Lateralization of N170 to Visual Words is Shaped by Spatial Configuration. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2018, Singapore.
Ong, J.H., Ong, H.S.M., Law, E.Y, & Chan, A.H.D. (2018). The effect of music on word learning among young adults. 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition / 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 23 - 28 July 2018, Sydney, Australia.
Chan, A.H.D., Ching, A., Wong, G., Yi, H.-G., Wong, P.C.M., & Wong, F.C.K. (2017). Cognitive precursors for learning and reading performance in two different languages: A study with artificial language scripts. The 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism, 11 - 15 June 2017, Limerick, Ireland.
Lau, F., Luke, K.-K., Chan, A.H.D., & Wong, F.C.K. (2017). The influence of lexical label on a bilingual’s perceptual decision while operating in different languages. The 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism, 11 - 15 June 2017, Limerick, Ireland.
Kalaivanan, K., Chen, A., Chan, A.H.D., & Wong F.C.K. (2017). The influence of native language phonological competence on novel lexical tone perception in Tamil-English bilinguals. The 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism, 11 - 15 June 2017, Limerick, Ireland.
Chan, A.H.D. (2016). Language, cognition, culture, and the brain. TGIF: The NTU Linguist Chatroom, Singapore.
Chan, A.H.D. (2016). Language, culture, and cognition. International Symposium on Cognition and Neuroscience, Singapore.
Chan, A.H.D., Wong, P.C.M., Roy, A.K. & Margulis, E.H. (2010, Oct). Brain mechanisms of affective music processing by mono- and bi-cultural everyday music listeners. Decade of the Mind VI: Cognitive Science and Neurotechnologies: Looking forward to the next ten years.
Lau, F. & Chan, A.H.D. (2015). Bilinguals’ perception of objects. Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, 2015, Singapore.
Burns, E., Chan, A.H.D., & Xu H. (2015). Adapting to sad scenes and words can lead to changes in face emotion perception. Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision, 2015, Singapore.
Fang, L., Livengood, S.L., Jiang, C., Chan, A.H.D. & Wong, P.C.M. (2014). How Does Fractal Music ("Self-similarity" or Predictability) Sound to You If You Are Amusic? 166th Acoustical Society of America Meeting ASA Lay Language Papers.
Kalaivanan, K. & Chan, A.H.D. (2013). The effect of varying proficiency levels of early bilingualism on cognitive functions: A study on the Singaporean ageing population. The 5th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL-5), 2013, Hong Kong.
Kalaivanan, K. & Chan, A.H.D. (2013). The effect of early bilingualism on working memory and related cognitive skills: A study on the Singaporean Aging Population. International Symposium on Bilingualism, 2013, Singapore.
Fang, J.J., Chan, A.H.D., & Ng, B.C. (2013). Exploring the Chinese Lexical Attrition by Singapore Chinese-English Bilinguals with Eye-movement Data. International Symposium on Bilingualism, 2013, Singapore.
Chan, A.H.D. (2012 Apr). The effects of language and culture on sensory perception. International Symposium on Technological Developments of fMRI, Guilin, China.
Chan, A.H.D. (2012 Jan). Cultural Neuroscience. Symposium “Images of the Mind: Celebrating 20 years of fMRI Research” by Duke-NUS.
Chan, A.H.D., Wong, P.C.M., Roy, A.K. & Margulis, E.H. (2009). Neural mechanisms of music listening by mono- and bi-cultural everyday music listeners. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2009, San Francisco.
Tan, L.H., Kay, P., Wang, W.S.Y., Chan, A.H.D., Siok, W.T. (2009). Effects of language on categorical perception of color are modulated by the visual hemifield as revealed by fMRI. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2009, San Francisco.
Chandrasekaran, B, Chan, A.H.D. & Wong, P.C.M. (2009). Neural Integration of Lexical and Indexical Information in Spoken Language Processing. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, June 2009, San Francisco.
Chan, A.H.D., Feng, C.M., Liu, H.L., & Tan, L.H. (2006 June). Language-specific neural systems for semantic organization. Neuroimage, 310M.
Yang, J.J.P., Yang, J., Chan, A.H.D., Siok, W.T., Chen, L., & Tan, L.H. (2006 June). Cultural variances impact brain structures and brain development. Neuroimage, 449T.
Chan, A.H.D., Li, G., & Tan, L.H. (2005 Apr). An fMRI study of neural circuitry of nouns and verbs in early bilinguals’ brain. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2005, (D107).
Yang, J., Siok, W.T., Chan, A.H.D., Chan, L., Eden, G., & Tan, L.H. (2005 Apr). Development of neural mechanisms for Chinese reading: an fMRI study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2005, (E70).
Yang, J., Siok, W.T., Chan, A.H.D., Chan, L., & Tan, L.H. (2005). Phonological and orthographic working memory in normal and dyslexic Chinese children. The Second International Linguistics and Literary Studies Postgraduate Conference, Wellington, New Zealand (2005).
Chan, A.H.D., Li, G., Li, P., & Tan, L.H. (2004 June). Neural Correlates of Nouns and Verbs in Early Bilinguals. Neuroimage, MO11.
Chan, A.H.D., Liu, H.L., Yip, V., Fox, P.T., Gao, J.H., & Tan, L.H. (2004 June). Lexico-semantic ambiguity is represented by the left dorsal lateral frontal cortex. Neuroimage, MO12.
Weekes, B.S., Chan, A.H.D., Jin, Z., Kwok, J.S.W., & Tan, L.H. (2004 June). A functional MRI study of AoA effects on Chinese language processing. Neuroimage, TH172.
Chan, A.H.D., Jin, Z., Spinks, J.A., & Tan, L.H. (2003 June). Discrete cortical areas responsible for semantic processing of Chinese characters and sentences as identified with FMRI. Neuroimage, S2176.